Book your Acupuncture appointment with Pique me

If you have never had acupuncture with Jules, please select First appointment - Acupuncture, otherwise select Follow-up appointment - Acupuncture.

Availability will be visible and you can book, amend or cancel your appointment at your convenience.
You will receive a confirmation email and a reminder before your appointment.

Full payment of £80 will be taken during your first appointment, a £40 deposit will be taken for subsequent follow-ups - the remainder of the payment will be taken at the end of the session by card machine.

*Cancellation policy - a minimum of 24 hours’ notice is required. This is in place to protect the livelihood of self-employed practitioners and allows for the smooth running of the clinic. All late cancellations or missed appointments will be charged at full cost. I appreciate your understanding.

Address: 8 Burghley Road, Tufnell Park, Nw5 1UE

Access: Far green garden gate between 6 and 8 Burghley Road

Opening hours: Tues - Friday 8:30am-7pm